Panoramic Test 2
Morning Cranes, 2016
Construction Sunset, 2016
Ekka Figures #1, 2016
Ekka Figures #2, 2016
Highrise Shadows, Gold Coast, 2016
Lights through the Trees, Blue Sky, 2016
Lights through the Trees, Red Sky, 2016
Moon over Story Bridge, 2017
Morning Shadows, Burleigh, 2016
Museum in Afternoon Light, 2017
Night Museum, 2017
Ocean Towers, 2016
Painter on a Ladder, 2016
People on Escalators, 2016
Rain in the Hills #1, 2016
Rain in the Hills #2, 2016
Roof Shadows, 2016
Shopping Centre Figures, 2016
Stormy Day Lovers, 2016
Tankers through the Trees, 2017
Turbines and Trees, 2016
Wave Building at Dawn, 2016
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Panoramic Test
Reflections on the River, 2016
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Panoramic Test